NYPL Recommendations

A listing of book lists created just for you by our librarians. Also check out our regular Staff Picks, and subscribe to the Biblio File blog and biweekly podcast.

#FridayReads Roundup: For Fans of Fargo, Funny Pictures, Judging a Book By Its Cover, and A Celebrity Guest Star

Join us from 10-11 AM EDT for live reading recommendations on Twitter @NYPLRecommends!

Boarding-School Book Bonanza

Close quarters, no parental supervision, lots of teens, too-strict rules or no rules at all…no doubt, boarding schools are fertile ground for stories about burgeoning relationships and finding identity.

Audiobooks for Your Roadtrip, Commute, and Earbuds

When you have serious story-time nostalgia, sometimes the best bet to satisfy that craving is an audiobook. Buckle up, and enjoy the ride with a few of our favorite audiobooks.

Rainy Day Reads: A Hodgepodge

Why not spice up your rainy days with some great books?

Judging a Book by Its Title

Conventional wisdom aside, let’s be real: A lot of us decide whether we’re interested in reading a particular book by judging its cover—and its title, too.

New York Times Read Alikes: May 23, 2016

Here are some read alikes for the top five bestselling fiction titles this week.

Barnacles, Bugs, and Big Scary Teeth: Funny New Picture Books

This spring's newly published crop of picture books includes some laugh-out-loud funny installments.

Women Made Women Superheroes

Superheroes are all over the media these days. There is the Marvel series on Netflix. Captain America: Civil War, Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and X-Men Apocalypse are all competing for ticket sales in movie theaters across America. On TV, viewers can followThe Flash (CW), The Arrow (CW), and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (ABC).

For Fans of HBO's Silicon Valley

For fans of HBO’s Silicon Valley, here are a few books that will satisfy the urge for social commentary and satire aimed at start-ups, social media, and tech culture in general.

New York Times Read Alikes: May 22, 2016

Several titles from the thriller, suspense, and mystery categories are in the top five this week.

#FridayRead Roundup: Seed Your Bookshelf to Trap a Librarian Friend, Literary Limericks, Uprisings, and New MG and YA Fiction

Join us from 10-11 AM EDT for live reading recommendations on Twitter @NYPLRecommends!

No Capes! Undercover Superheroes

Caped crusaders are having a moment right now—but what about the heroes who don’t wear costumes and leap tall buildings in a single bound? The protagonists in these picture books save the day in less-expected but still-important ways.

Readathon Reading Suggestions

Join The New York Public Library and your fellow readers across the country for the second annual National Readathon Day on May 21.

NYPL Recommends: New YA Fiction

2016 is serving up a feast of new YA fiction. Browse titles NYPL staff recommend.

Want To Be Friends with a Librarian? Read These Books.

We asked our NYPL staff to name a book that, upon seeing it on someone's shelf​, makes you think you've found a kindred spirit.

NYPL Recommends: New Middle Grade Fiction

We are not quite half way through the year, and already 2016 is offering a feast of exceptional middle grade fiction.


A list of books about some recent uprisings that may one day be seen as tipping points.

New York Times Read Alikes: May 15, 2016

White knuckles and pounding hearts top the chart this week, with two thrillers in the two top spots and three romances rounding out the rest of the list.

#FridayReads Roundup: Political Humor, Magical Mystery, and Breakup Lines

Join us from 10-11 AM EDT for live reading recommendations on Twitter @NYPLRecommends!

Fantastic Magical Mysterious New Middle Grade Fiction

Eight new middle grade titles to satisfy readers who long for a little mystery and a touch of the fantastic in their fiction.
